BX Thailand is cryptocurrency exchange, which operated by
Bitcoin Co.Ltd., this company is registered in 2013. It allows
cryptocurrency to fiat currency and exchange cryptocurrency to cryptocurrency (only
Thai Baht). For USD or EUR Buy and sell Bitcoins with payment cards easily. On
this platform the most popular cryptocurrencies are DAS, BTC, ETH, DOG, HYP,
and LTC etc.
Per trade the company charges a fee of 0.25%. Besides this
exchange, Bx.in.th also trades various altcoins such as Dogecoin, stellar,
Litecoin and so on. Thought by the exchange Bx Thailand provides proof of funds by
listing all the addresses that have unspent inputs. Users for each address may
request the exchange operator to sign a message to proof that the addresses are
indeed within the exchange’s control.
Bx Thailand allows
deposits from several thai banks such as The Siam Commercial Bank, TMB, Bangkok
Bank, Krungthai Bank, Kasikornbank and krungsi Bank.
There are two factor authentications available. Only company
owners have access to the wallet servers. The wallets servers allow no incoming
outside connections and full disk encryption. At the wallet server’s website
fronted does not run on the same servers. All withdraws are manually checked by
humans and managed.
Here is the detail guide to Bx Thailand Exchange
Here is the detail guide to Bx Thailand Exchange
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